East Meon Garden Club and East Meon Nature Group are hosting a talk (via Zoom) on 15 February 2021 at 6.30 pm. This will be presented by Chris Powles, who is the Chair of Kirtlington Wildlife & Conservation Society, together with his brother, Stephen, they will present a little on hedgehog ecology before going on to explain why and how we should create hedgehog highways.  Stephen is a wildlife photographer and cameraman.

We now know that one of the main reasons why hedgehogs are declining in Britain is because our fences and walls are becoming more and more secure, reducing the amount of land available to them.

East Meon Hedgehog Highways mascot – by kind permission of Phil Lazarou

Hedgehogs need space to create territories, forage and find mates.  More than 12,000 hedgehog holes have been created as part of the Hedgehog Street’s Hedgehog Highway initiative and the village of Kirtlington has one of the most creative routes on the map.

For more information on accessing the Zoom link please email:                                         pamelapeacock383@gmail.com               

Categories: Mammals