Butterflies are still on the move

It may be the mild autumn, or the strange weather year, but butterflies are still on the move. This is despite some very very heavy rain and thunderous showers. Despite this a number of butterflies still manage to come out of shelter when the sun shines again. Viewed in the last two weeks: red admirals, large whites, small whites, peacocks, red admirals and brimstones. Brimstone

Birdsnest Orchid Found in Duncombe Wood

The picture shows a ‘birdsnest orchid’ growing in Duncombe Wood next to the lower path. There are a few other ones in the wood, as well as a number of common twayblade orchids. The birdnest orchid is listed as ‘near threatened’. It generally grows on calcareous soils in deciduous woodland, showing a strong association with beech trees, exactly the area in this part of Duncombe Wood.

Toad Patrol Results for 2023

The Toad Patrols on Coombe Road finished on Sunday 26 March. It has been a different year to last year, with a long period in the middle of the patrolling season devoid of amphibians due to the cold dry weather. However the numbers of toads are comparable to last year, and the number of newts up by approximately 60. One thing we did notice was that a number of the male toads were very small. Read more…